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Why Write a Book for Your Business?

February 04, 2021 (Last Updated February 24, 2021)

Marcy G.

Are you ready to level up your business? Whether you’ve just launched or you’ve been growing your business for years, writing a book can help you increase your revenue and gain new, more, or better clients. Dont underestimate the power of having your name on a book, because it shows exactly why youre worth doing business with.

Why you should write a book

If you worry that writing a book won’t be worth the commitment of your time, consider the following ways it can help you as a business owner.

Establish credibility

Establishing your credibility can be hugely important, especially when your business is young. When youre a published author, it lets people know that youre an expert in your field with a point of view worth sharing and talking about. This is called authority marketing,” and its especially crucial for businesses such as coaching and consulting. Potential clients need reassurance that you know what you’re talking about, and if you know enough to fill a book, well, that’s very good reassurance!

Share your mindset

Not only does a book demonstrate your wealth of experience, but it also lets potential clients or customers get a sneak peek of your mindset and what its like to do business with you. A book can be like a trial run for new clients where they test the waters and see whether your personality and point of view are going to be a fit for them. If they discover a connection with you, it can be the push they need to take the plunge and sign with you.

Increase visibility

Writing a book also increases your visibility among competitors and colleagues and can elevate your standing in the industry. By establishing yourself as an authority and marketing your business book, you open the door to speaking engagements and other opportunities.

Benefits of writing a business book

Done well, writing a business book will provide a positive return on investment for your business.

Attract and retain clients

First, and most important, after you’ve written a book, you’ll find that you have boosted your exposure, increased your name recognition, and persuaded new customers to do business with you … and convinced existing customers to stay. That’s a definite boost to the bottom line.

Justify value

A business book positions your business as an industry leader, which can help you adjust your pricing based on your value to your clients. As you establish your authority and justify a high-ticket value, you increase your revenue, giving you more opportunities to grow your business, expand your reach, and secure new clients or partnerships.

Differentiate your offering

Writing a book is also good PR. It can set you apart if your business or niche is competitive. Taking the initiative to write a book and sharing your ideas with the world is likely to get you noticed, and its a great opportunity to get positive press for your business as well.


Ways to market your book

Before you begin to market your book, set some key performance indicators (KPIs), and note how many of them you meet or exceed during the launch of your book. You may be looking to increase signups to your mailing list, book new clients, or increase revenue by a certain percentage. It’s important to know your goals before you begin so you can guide your marketing strategy accordingly.

Now that you’ve set your targets, consider how you might market your book.

Set up a sales page

Create a landing page you can point people to that shows them why they should buy your book and where to find it. Encourage them to sign up for your mailing list.

Set up a mailing list

An email newsletter is a great way you can keep potential readers informed about the book as well as your business.

Guest on a podcast

Offer yourself as a guest on a podcast relevant to your niche and make it clear you’d like to mention your book during your interview. It’s a great way to introduce new people to your book as you explain what it is you offer.

Spotlight social media

Make sure you highlight your book on social media. Thanks to algorithms, you have an opportunity to be discovered by new people. Consider offering a contest or giveaway to drum up engagement.

Reach out to your network

Consider the ways your book can help others. You might offer your book for a discount or even for free. And don’t forget to ask for a review! Positive reviews help others take a chance on your book, too.

48 Hour Books can help

Writing a business book is a great way to increase your name recognition, pump up your perceived value to your clients, and share your ideas. It’s certainly a time commitment, but the return on this investment could pay dividends for years. It’s simple to start your self-publishing journey, and 48 Hour Books is here to help you every step of the way.

Contact us to get started and get ready to level up your business!

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