Author Spotlight: Frances Harder

October 30, 2024 (Last Updated November 05, 2024)

48 Hour Books

Author Spotlight: Frances Harder


About the Author

Frances Harder is a fashion industry expert, educator, and consultant. She founded the Fashion Business Incorporated in 1999 as a 501c3. As a self-published author, she writes to educate and help apparel manufacturers with business development they need to success in the fashion industry.


Fashion for Profit

Fashion For Profit is a complete guide to designing, brand development, costing, manufacturing, and marketing a successful business. Bringing a design from concept to consumer involves many steps. Fashion For Profit is a roadmap that clearly marks each step to starting your own apparel business. Her books have been reviewed and validated by experts and adopted by some of the best fashion schools in the U.S. to familiarize students with many of the complicated facets of the fashion industry.


Fashion for Profit book cover


Q&A with Frances Harder

Discover what Frances Harder has to say about writing, the self-publishing process, and why she chose 48 Hour Books as her self-publishing and printing partner.


The Writing Process

What is one piece of writing advice you would give to other authors?

Start with chapter titles and build your book from there.


What inspires you to write?

My own experience of understanding the business side of fashion. Teaching the creative art is only a part of the overall knowledge needed to be successful in the fashion industry.


What do you view as the hardest thing about writing a book?

Staying focused and I found having industry experts validate was a good detail to the book.


Have you ever experienced writer’s block? If so, how long does it usually last?

Yes! Need to rest and let answers come to you.


Describe your writing process. Do you have a routine?

I start with an idea and build from there with an outline.



The Self-Publishing and Book Printing Process   


Why did you choose to self-publish your book?

I thought I could sell my own books as I presented them at many trade shows and have been asked to be a guest speaker at educational institutions.


As a self-published author, what was the most difficult part of the process?

Marketing my books was the most difficult part of the process.


Can you tell us what kind of binding or cover design you used and why you made that decision?

I chose perfect binding, or soft cover. A friend helped with the cover design.


How did 48 Hour Books support you in the self-publishing process?

I have to say that 48 Hour Books have been very helpful.


Any advice you would like to give to aspiring writers or authors looking to self-publish?

Work out your marketing beforehand. It’s no good to have a great book without an avenue to sell.


What is the most rewarding part of releasing a book?

Helping others be successful.


Where can people find your books and follow you?


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